Saffron | Sheffield Women's Counselling and Therapy Service

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Our waiting list is now closed. Find out how you can be notified when it is open againhere.


“The beacon of hope that Saffron Sheffield offers in times when no other avenues are accessible is truly remarkable. I hope they continue to be able to offer many more women like myself the chance to reclaim their independence, autonomy and ability to live and enjoy their lives to the fullest.”

(Client Feedback 2022)


Saffron is a unique, life-saving and life-changing service in Sheffield. We have offered free, long-term specialised trauma therapy, in a safe and dedicated space, for over 30 years. Our clients are Sheffield’s most vulnerable women, some of who may have experienced multiple, complex traumas.

We know that survivors of abuse and trauma can experience mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder and dissociative personality disorder.

Survivors are also at a greater risk of developing drug and alcohol addictions, eating disorders, and of engaging in self harm to try to manage and regulate emotional pain.

The pandemic exacerbated pre-existing health, social and economic crises across Sheffield. Women have been disproportionately impacted by intensified care responsibilities and increased levels of violence amid an under resourced health service. 

Local statistics paint a bleak picture: 

  • An estimated 13,824 to 16,492 South Yorkshire women aged 16 to 59 were domestic abuse victims in 2021. +

  • Violent and sexual offences increased in Sheffield by 12% yearly, with 19,204 crimes reported in 2021. ++

The demand for our service reflects this, with a 133% increase in the last year.

We work with women who are experiencing trauma due to:

  • Childhood sexual abuse or exploitation

  • Adult sexual abuse and adult sexual exploitation

  • Domestic abuse and domestic violence in childhood or adulthood

  • Neglect

  • Torture and trafficking

  • Being a witness or victim of a crime or an accident

  • “County lines” or the exploitation of children and vulnerable people to aid illegal drugs distribution

+Sheffield Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) (2021) data aggregated from open police force data, social media signals and FOI requests. 

“I have tried other types of counselling before but this has genuinely been the most helpful.”

- Saffron Client (2022)